Friday, August 24, 2007

Time Scheduling in Java

Some Applications need to execute certain jobs and tasks at an exactly a perticular time or at regular time intervals. Let us see how to schedule the tasks to achieve that functionality, for this purpose java provides a standerd API Timer in java.util package, Now we will see how Java developers can implement such a requirement using the standard Java Timer API.

A Sample Code To use Timer:

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public class Remainder {
Timer timer;

public Remainder ( int seconds ) {
timer = new Timer ( ) ;
timer.schedule ( new TimerTask(){
public void run ( ) {
System.out.println ( "Your scheduled Task Starts...." ) ;
timer.cancel ( ) ; //Terminate the Timer after task completion
} , seconds*1000 ) ;

public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.println ( "Before schedule task." ) ;
new Remainder ( 5 ) ;
System.out.println ( "Task scheduled." ) ;

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